Monday 20 May 2024

Amazon's Digital Transformation: A Journey of Innovation and Expansion is a well-known online ecommerce trading platform that has transformed the way we shop. Its Marketplace platform, with superior data analytics and logistics efficiency, has enabled it to create a pseudo perfectly competitive market, optimize and reduce the cost of products, and offer personalized recommendations to customers.


Amazon's Core Competency: The Marketplace Platform

Amazon's business model is driven by data and technology, allowing it to innovate and transform existing business models in multiple industries and domains. Its core competency lies in finding service improvement opportunities in business models and driving innovation using technology and data.


Amazon's Next Growth Engine: AWS

In the short term, Amazon's next growth engine is its cloud computing services, AWS. AWS is a critical part of Amazon's core business, as it can process and churn massive amounts of data and drive innovation using technology and data. AWS also generates a large portion of Amazon's revenue and profit.


Amazon's Expansion to Growing Economies

As Amazon expands to growing economies, it faces competition from regional competitors who have a better understanding of the local market and may receive better support and protection from local governments. To succeed, Amazon needs to learn the local markets better, possibly by partnering with or acquiring local businesses, and adapting to the government and regulatory policies in different regions.


In conclusion, Amazon's digital transformation journey shows a company that is constantly innovating and expanding, using data and technology to drive growth and success.


Saturday 13 April 2024

Copilot & GPT for product managers & owners


GPT, or Generative Pretrained Transformer, is a type of AI language model that can generate human-like text. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we create content, making the process faster, easier, and more efficient.

I am a Product owner & manager, and in my role -

·         I need to create a lot of contents fast,

·         Analyze a lot of data.

·         Need to find documents fast in my system.

·         And need to discover documents to refer across the organization.

·         Churn out POCs very quickly.

And for all these, GPT has been God send for me. And thanks to my organization they have made MS Copilot available to me. Microsoft 365 Copilot internally utilizes GPT-4.

Do not consider this as the ultimate reference, but some of the ways I have used GPT & Copilot are.

·         Using Copilot to create meeting summaries, sharing it with the team, and keeping for personal reference.

·         Creating reference documents on a particular subject – by downloading transcriptions of all previous meetings recorded and combining them with all notes and creating a summarized document from them and then finally manually structuring them.

·         I rarely have recently created a document on MS doc from scratch without getting a draft from MS doc Copilot.

·         Created notes by summarizing multiple documents to create information from large data and have made them consumable for wider audience.

·         Created presentations, slides & organized slides from unstructured documents and have made them consumable for wider audience.

·         You can create your own chat bot by putting your tabular data on an excel table and then use it for question answering using Copilot over excel.

·         I have discovered documents across the organization for reference using Microsoft 365 Copilot.

·         I have used Microsoft 365 Copilot to ask questions & find documents while searching for particular contents within my personal Organization One drive.

·         Being an AI product owner, I have particularly used Copilot to demonstrate the concept of Sentiment analysis over MS words & excels which I never thought could have been possible.

I think Copilot on an average has saved 30-45 minutes ~ improved 5-7% of my productivity, on a daily basis.