Sunday, 16 March 2014

Artificial Intelligence - Man vs Machine

Nowadays it can be seen that in almost all sectors worldwide machines or rather computers have found their own place. It is being seen that our everyday life is much less complicated and less hectic due to the proper and wide usage of these human-made devices. But the question that arises then is that can humans be replaced by computers? Undoubtedly these had been of great help over the ages in every aspect making the world more systematic but the question still remains about the durability of the idea of the replacement of human minds by machines.

The above question may be answered with the help of Artificial Intelligence and some other contextual points discussed below.

Now first comes the question what is "Artificial Intelligence". The answer lies within the phrase        only. Artificial Intelligence is the branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like human beings. The term was coined in 1956 by John McCarthy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. We will discuss its contribution in the field of technological advancement in details in this paper later but first lets go through some other points, which will infact help us to understand better the immense power of artificial intelligence.

Process defining:
If everything can be defined through a definite process and everyone is clear about their role or significance within a system then everything or rather everybody can be replaced i.e, whatever be the input if the process is defined properly output will be the same irrespective of the fact that it is done by human beings or machines.

But what if one of the steps needs to be changed in future. One may think that it will need the help of a human mind i.e, if the inputs are not in the defined pattern the machines will fail to yield the desired output as machines are not designed to think whereas human minds are. Then the question arises that is it really so!

These days the machines are designed so that they are becoming quite intelligent. After all human brain is also nothing but a system connected by a chain of nerves and these nerves basically controls us or operates us. So then can machines not work in that way? If they can be automated properly then the machines may also can do all possible things, they can be made to think and then can execute accordingly.
The Power of Thinking:
It is said that human beings are blessed with the power of thinking which is why something new is invented every now and then. But if human minds are bound within a definite process of thinking, just to enable the machines to take on, then everything being confined within a particular chain of process, nothing new can be thought of or invented.

Japan is very systematic in respect of process. They are so bound by processes that they have just stopped thinking and innovation has just paused for them. It is a very serious issue and Japan has led the world to rethink the model of automating everything and giving the leash to the machines. Will it be such a good idea?  

Creativity and Biasness:
Human brain has an edge over the computer. It has an access to creativity. It can work without full input and making logical assumptions about problems but the computer is limited by its programming thus being unable to create something new out of limited data available in hands. But the power of assumptions may lead to a whole new aspect of human biasness.

Human minds can never be completely unbiased and whenever its assuming something there has to be a definite biasness in the thinking process and thus the result achieved can be trimmed but the machines being based purely on some pre-defined programming are completely free of any biasness of any kind. But does this biasness overpower the beauty of creativity!

Advancement of Technology:
Technology is advancing so fast in today's world that with few more steps in future its expansion may have a great effect as to whether we have a job or employment. The robots or the machines that has been helping us immensely over the years in our day-to-day lives,then can it not be designed to do our entire job for us and thus replacing human beings.

Artificial Intelligence:
Last but not the least comes the point of artificial intelligence which proves the validity of the notion "Advancement of Technology" to its full extent.

Artificial Intelligence includes the process of programming computers to play games,to understand natural (human) language, to make decisions in real-life scenarios,to see and hear and react to other sensory stimuli (robotics), and neural networking (simulating intelligence by attempting to produce the types of physical connection that occur in human brains).

Human beings are intelligent with respect to the notion that they can recognize and respond to the patterns and can adapt to the changes and thus they can make the necessary changes accordingly to make this world a better habitat. But then the question comes that are the machines not intelligent enough to recognize the patterns?

There are some evidences that machines are becoming smarter at specific tasks.In 1997 IBM's Deep Blue Computer defeated World Chess Champion Gary Kasparov in a game of chess and in 2011 IBM's Watson Computer won the US game show Jeopardy defeating two of the game's human grand champions. But do these instances imply that the computers are able to adapt to unfamiliar situations. Well that's still need to be answered.

In automobile industry The cycle of manufacturing ana automobile has more or less remained the same for decades.There the process is well defined and has remained stable. So in this particular industry automation till 70% of the work is being possible through robotics. But in software industry the cycle is getting redefined continuously. Few years back Waterfall model was the most practiced technique whereas now Agile is the new trend. So for such industries where there is continuous innovation of new models it remains a question how much of it can be automated.

The software development life cycle (SDLC) is a framework defining tasks performed at each step in the software development process. The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the overall development process. SDLC consists of planning i.e, requirement gathering from the client, implementation of the information gathered through coding, testing for defects or bugs created in the software, documentation of the steps in the project for future reference, deployment and maintenance for future reference. So, if all these procedures starting from the requirement imputing to maintenance can be defined under definite process then can a computer do software development without human intervention?

Our software industry has a long path ahead when compared to some traditional manufacturing process. But with new tools and new platforms emerging every now and then it can be expected very soon that the artificial intelligence may reach its bloom and the software gets developed without any kind of human intervention.  

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