Saturday 30 April 2016

EMI – The dream killer – an Indian software engineer's perspective.

'Well,I had a dream' – The words you will often hear from souls STUCK in IT suffering from mid-career crisis. 'But what happened,why didn't you follow it,DELL did,JOBS did,GATES did,our own BANSALS did,you may ask.''Well you see,abroad its easier financially, and I had EMIs to pay'.Then who is to blame – the poor souls who have to leave their hometown,and come and settle down in the unknown land,and has to start everything from scratch ? EMI is a reality for them. Although there are few chosen ones who gets to travel the fairyland(read 'US','Europe') and can save enough money to pay the devil's due in advance but for others there is no way out. So the EMI killed their dreams – Dreams to start their business,to set up that start up,to make that travel. But can you blame them ? I won't. Anyways they get blamed enough everyday by the traffic police, corporation, maids, autowallas for not learning the local language anyways.:).